A Short Guide to Writing about History:  by Melvin E. Page, Brian J. Maxson
181 pages, $21.95 list
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A Short Guide to Writing about History
Tenth Edition
This widely used guide for students has long emphasized the excitement of historical discovery rooted in writing about the past. This new edition continues that emphasis while also affirming the contemporary significance of the search for truth in historical writing. It includes new and revised sections related to electronic technologies as well as updated examples of recent historical scholarship throughout. It maintains the welcoming, accessible, and inclusive tone of previous editions while walking students through complex ideas and established writing standards. As it has since its inception, the tenth edition of A Short Guide to Writing about History helps students confront and conquer any of the challenges they might face in writing about history.
Table of Contents
1. Writing and History
2. Thinking about History
3. Preparing for Writing
4. Notes and Drafts
5. Voice and Style
6. Documenting Sources
Appendix A: Sample Student Research Paper
Appendix B: Writing Reviews
Appendix C: Short Essay Assignments
Select Bibliography of Student Resources